Docker Posts

Several weeks ago, I got to start walking some people who were new to Docker through setting up their first containers. I was really surprised by how hard it is for people to write their first containers and configure them properly for local development, so a friend and I decided to open source some of our local development containers. The process of getting them ready to be open sourced has taught me some very interesting things about Docker and teaching software to the masses. ( read the article )

Categories - Development , Docker

I got into a bad habit a long time ago and started exposing ports at the very end of Dockerfiles, even though I knew it wasn’t a good use of Docker’s caching. It just looked cleaner and made more sense (to me). However, I did some testing and discovered that keeping that higher up in the dockerfile makes a noticeable difference when it comes to rebuild times. ( read the article )

Categories - Development , Docker

Setting up local environments is a pain that Docker solves effortlessly, but many of the React or Angular containers you find online don’t function properly - for example, hot reload doesn’t function in many of the options out there. This combination of Dockerfile and docker-compose.yaml has things like hot reload enabled and are great for local development. ( read the article )

Categories - Development , Docker